Month: September 2018

Who are these people?

The one thing I learned in my RV park stays: it’s fun to think about who the people next to you are. In my head, I’ve written an epic adventure for everyone I’ve met. I make no judgments about the folks I see.  Some are passing through.  A lot are residents.  Everybody has a story. …

By Nita September 29, 2018 Off

The First Trip!

As you all know, I’m extremely picky, fussy, and anal.  Having my life not only planned but planned for contingencies and the contingencies of those contingencies is how I roll.  My entire experience to date has been in stages. Step 1: Get in the RV and drive it around in various speeds and conditions until I…

By Nita September 28, 2018 Off

Learning the RV

For this post, I’m just going to jot down some random notes about my experience so far. Securing Stuff Securing everything is a must because when you slam on your brakes or hit a deep bump, things will fly around.  I have a checklist for “things to do before driving off” from the RV Sales…

By Nita September 22, 2018 Off

RV Purchase and Baby Steps

Let’s begin at the beginning.  When I was plotting this trip, I was trying to decide the best way to get across the country with my pets.  I did consider the 2-3 day drive in my car with Salem (black cat) yowling the entire way (she really does that).  And having to stop for Jack…

By Nita September 15, 2018 Off

The Road So Far

A couple of years ago this idea got in my head to move from Minden and try something new.  I’ve been thinking, planning, and dreaming, and doing nothing.  Finally, that point came where it was time to just do it.  There are plenty of reasons why I chose to upend my life and make this…

By Nita September 13, 2018 Off